In Minnesota, Republican Mike McFadden is keeping it light, while going after incumbent Democrat Al Franken and also linking him to an unpopular president and Obamacare in the process.

He’s reportedly backing the ad with a six figure statewide buy. In it, a Franken impersonator is seen driving a Lexus SUV and struggling to back a speed boat down a boat ramp into a lake.

“Here in Minnesota, there’s a right way and a wrong way — and Al Franken keeps missing the mark, badly,” the narrator says. “Franken has a 97 percent voting record with President Obama, over 40 votes for higher taxes, and Franken cast the deciding vote for Obamacare.”

In the end, McFadden is seen in a pick-up truck backing a boat into the lake without a problem. The text describes McFadden as a “dad, coach and businessman” as he says, “I approve this message because we need to straighten out Washington and get America back on track.” 

See the ad entitled “Missed the Mark” below.