The Boston Bomber’s younger sister Ailina Tsarnaev, has been arrested for wait for it….Wait for it…Threatening someone with a bomb!

 Ailina Tsarnaev of North Bergen, N.J., was arrested at a police station in New York City Wednesday afternoon, charged with one count of aggravated harassment. She was released with a summons to return to a criminal court in Manhattan on Sept. 3, said police Lieutenant John Grimpel.

Grimpel said the victim of Ailina Tsarnaev’s alleged threat has a child with the father of one of Tsarnaev’s children. Grimpel did not elaborate on the nature of the dispute.

Tsarnaev told police she is 21, though she is believed to be three years older.-Boston Globe

I say authorities should just arrest the entire family, because you know they are probably all complicit in the bombing, and or someone involved in terrorism.

 There is my rant for today.