As Slate point out, when Liberal Democrats aren’t busy bashing conservatives for so called “dark money,” they’re fairly busy raising it themselves.

The operative word here is hypocrisy.

Liberals may blame conservatives for the ongoing surge of political “dark money” dominating the 2014 midterm elections, but Democrats are now taking full advantage of these secretive, free-wielding political behemoths–while bemoaning their influence.

The details are daunting and a great deal of the messaging being financed is negative, another common complaint by liberals critiquing American politics. “At the forefront is the nonprofit Patriot Majority USA, which is providing Democrats with a countervailing force against the political machine of conservative billionaires Charles and David Koch. 

This election cycle, Patriot Majority USA has spent more than $7 million on political advertisements, according to reports filed with the Federal Election Commission. That makes it the largest Democratic-aligned dark money operation in the country.”

Labor Union money seems to be flowing through so called dark channels, as well.

Patriot Majority USA has also collected seven-figure sums from at least two labor unions: $1.14 million from the Service Employees International Union, including $280,000 from the SEIU’s state council in Pennsylvania, and $1 million from the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees. These large labor union contributions were first reported by the Huffington Post.

In all, federal records show that labor unions have donated at least $2.5 million to Patriot Majority USA since January 2011.