U.S. Sen. Mark Warner put out an endorsement announcement that included Appomattox County Sheriff Barry Letterman and Nelson County Sheriff David Brooks. The problem is, neither are endorsing Warner and they aren’t exactly being quiet about it, now – especially Brooks.

Neither one is making an endorsement in the race. And although Brooks, a Democrat, has supported Warner previously, he’s not exactly thrilled with his job performance. “When we need him, he’s hiding. But when he needs us, he’s all out.”

Brooks is particularly upset with Warner over his silence on the Atlantic coast pipeline.

Brooks said he likely ended up on the list because of his past support for Warner, but he didn’t recall making an endorsement in this year’s race.

Nelson County currently is embroiled in a controversy over a proposed 550-mile natural gas pipeline that would snake through the county.

Brooks said several people, including his wife, have written to Warner about the issue but received no response.

“That tells me what you think of me as a voter,” Brooks said, adding Warner won’t have his support again until he addresses constituents on the issue.