Alaska Republicans aren’t content to let Mark begich’s ‘Snowmobile Gate’ drop. The controversy began when Alaskan X Gamer Cory Davis hit Mark Begich in a Dan Sullivan ad for what appeared to be a rather shaky ad of his own featuring Democrat Begich on a snowmobile.

With both a nod to the younger set and also continuing to portray Alaska Democrat Mark Begich as one of them, as in D.C., not us to Alaskans, Alaska Republican Dan Sullivan is out with a new ad featuring an endorsement by Alaska native and four time X-Games medalist, Cory Davis, 25. The ad pokes fun at Begich for a recent ad of his own that featured him on a snow mobile.

In a move some might call asking for it, or perhaps more of it, as in spank me, again, please, Mark Begich not only cried foul, he couldn’t keep himself from crying about a slight touch of alleged frostbite from having braved the outdoors to … that’s right, film an ad claiming to be a creature of the great white North! 

Begich’s push-back seemed so over-the-top, even Politico appeared to have tongue firmly planted in cheek when publishing Begich’s insufferable whine in response.  

Alaska Sen. Mark Begich says GOP opponent Dan Sullivan’s latest ad accusing him of pretending to ride a snow machine is a “lie,” and he has the frostbite to prove it.

Begich likened Sullivan’s ad, produced by FP1 Strategies, to the thoughts of a conspiracy theorist.

“Did you know we didn’t really go to the moon? That was a conspiracy. That was all done in a studio — I don’t know if you knew that,” Begich joked. “Yes. It was me on the snow machine. … Look at the picture of me when I take my helmet off. That’s what we call ‘helmet hair,’ that’s when you’re riding a snow machine.”

That, in turn, opened the door for the Alaska GOP to open the door to a Begich campaign office and assure Begich staff members there that they do indeed feel Mark Begich’s pain. Unfortunately, it’s unclear if Mark Begich will be able to hear the video below in the event he views it, completely un-sourced rumors out of Alaska have him hunkered down at home in ear muffs recovering from a nasty bit of tip ‘o the ear frost bite from braving the tundra on a snowmobile long enough for his ad guy to capture a quick video and a few stills.

Clearly, Robert Peary Mark Begich is decidedly not.