From the New Hampshire Journal we learn:

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce will launch its second ad of the New Hampshire U.S. Senate campaign on Saturday, this one focusing on Sen. Jeanne Shaheen’s vote in favor of the Affordable Care Act. The ad campaign is a three-week, seven-figure buy on broadcast and cable television, as well as in digital format.

In the 30-second ad, a narrator says, “Senators are meant to be a check and balance on the White House,” but says Shaheen “parroted” President Barack Obama’s promise that “if you like the (insurance) plan you have, you can keep it.”

Which sounds fine, except that it comes ten days after polls showing ObamaCare simply isn’t the vote driver a Chamber of Commerce and GOP consulting class afraid to talk illegal immigration, want it to be. In fact, it’s gotten so bad, National Review, not exactly the GOP establishment’s worst enemy, is calling for the mass firing of Republican consultants for bad advice driven by their reluctance to talk issues that drive voters, instead of serving only their deep-pocketed donor class.

Karl Rove Upside Down on Amnesty Versus ObamaCare

With Barack Obama now publicly backing away from executive action, or perhaps an amnesty for illegal immigrants until after November, anyone watching the mid-term elections closely has to admit that the border crisis and the amnesty issue is now a significant factor, especially in competitive states, as we move toward November.