In response to Obama: November’s All About Me, Dammit!:

President Midas Touch doesn’t really have much to boast about these days. His 2102 applause lines about ending the war in Iraq and decimating al Qaeda would sound like sick jokes, if he used them today. Those oft repeated refrains about the terrorists being “on the run” and “on their heels” can no longer be part of his stump speech. Obviously.

Obamacare is still unpopular. His threat to grant amnesty to five million illegal immigrants through executive action is grossly unpopular. He can no longer brag about being the most transparent administration in American history without prompting derisive guffaws. Thanks to his habitual dishonesty and an administration plagued by scandals, trust in government is at an all-time low. What’s he got to campaign on? The “War on Women” nonsense and racial demagoguery can only take them so far.

So Obama is left touting an economy that is limping along with the slowest recovery in the past 50 years and a  labor force participation rate that has shrunk significantly under his stewardship.

But even the president’s attempted Jedi Mind Trick of turning a sluggish economy into a positive – is falling flat.

His boast at Northwestern University last night –  I’m not on the ballot but my policies are! – was a hanging curveball for Republican candidates to hit out out of the park. 

And that is, of course, what they are doing this morning.

“Some not-so-great news for 2014 Democrats” blared the RNC:President Obama just nationalized all of their races.”

 As President Obama made clear by declaring that this agenda was on the ballot this fall, a vote for a Democrat is a vote for him and his failed policies. See the video below that has folks like Kay Hagan, Mark Begich, Mary Landrieu, Mark Udall, Bruce Braley, Jeanne Shaheen, Alison Lundergan Grimes, Mark Warner, Michelle Nunn, Mark Pryor, and countless other Democrats cringing right now.

The Republican Party of Iowa said on behalf of Joni Ernst:

“Congressman Braley and Barack Obama already agree on ObamaCare and amnesty and now they both agree that this election is a referendum on the President’s failed policies,” said Republican Party of Iowa spokesman Jahan Wilcox. “If you support amnesty or ObamaCare, then there’s no better man who will continuing rubberstamping Barack Obama’s failed agenda than Congressman Braley.”

The latest Des Moines Register Iowa Poll has Joni Ernst ahead of Braley 44% – 38% in the race for the US Senate.