Speaker John Boehner is up for reelection to his post next year, and it seems that he could have a tough time getting the votes he needs to win.

The conservative wing of the House is not happy with him, and are looking to replace him with one of their own.

Earlier this week I was on NewsmaxTV to talk about Boehner’s woes in the House, and discussed how Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) is said to be the possible Speaker choice for conservatives.

In speaking  to Reps. Labrador, Mulvaney, Huelskamp, and others, the sentiment among them is that they would like to see Boehner replaced.

In the end, I think that everyone will cave, and Boehner will be reelected, simply because a deal will be struck with most of the not-so-hardliners, which will give Boehner the votes he needs to win.

They don’t like what he’s done. He’s pandered to the tea party to some extent but for the most party like Ben said, he’s pulled back just enough. But people can see right through his speakership for what it really is and at the end of the day he probably will survive being that I know how Washington works and you do as well is that deals are struck and people compromise principles as always and this will be the case this time around.

Then again, I could be proven wrong. We shall see…