It’s not easy to pretend that a failure as immense as ObamaCare is “working,” much less living up to its promises, but the hard Left and Administration drones keep trying.  The latest road apple dropped by Health and Human Services, after a wild night of binging on Orwellian doublespeak tacos, asks us to view insurance cancellations as merely polite invitations to sign up for the People’s Glorious Health Care Plan.

“I just want to remind you that you weren’t losing insurance, you were just using that insurance plan, and were now being invited to go into the health insurance marketplace,” chirps an HHS official in a sound bite being circulated by the Republican Part of Virginia, as part of a campaign push against incumbent Democrat Senator Mark Warner:

Maybe I’m just an old-fashioned guy, but I think the defenders of a government program that was working as advertised would not be reduced to gibbering lunacy.  I guess we’re supposed to think Obama’s famous promise was: “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it.  No one will take it away from you, period.  But we might invite you to buy a different plan on the ObamaCare marketplace instead, and it might not be the kind of offer you can refuse.”

Warner is up in the polls by 11 points, so apparently Virginians don’t mind being shamelessly lied to.  Everybody else should brace themselves for increasingly tortured rhetoric after the elections are over, and ObamaCare erupts in a shower of long-delayed surprises.