RGA Chairman Chris Christie appeared on the Today show Wednesday morning to praise the Republican candidates who defended and won governorships across the country despite a tough electoral map.

Christie’s voice was rough from overuse during the final hectic week of the campaign during which he traveled to 19 states in 5 days. Christie pointed out that when it came to governorships the map was not friendly to Republicans this year. “Remember, it was opposite of what went on in the Senate. We didn’t have a great map in our favor. In fact nine of the states we defended the President won twice and we won eight of those nine,” Christie pointed out.

“How much credit do you personally deserve for the success of these
Republican governors across the country?” Matt Lauer asked. Christie
immediately replied “The candidates deserve the credit. It’s always
about the candidates and the candidates deserve the credit.”

Christie was also asked about a recent incident in which he told a heckler at a town hall event to “sit down and shut up.” “Are you going to have to control that side of your personality to be seen as presidential outside the rough and tumble world of New Jersey politics?” Lauer asked. “First of all, you’re assuming I wasn’t controlled,” Christie replied, adding, “I sat and took it for a while and then other people, the hundreds of people that were there, deserved to hear what we had to say that day.” Lauer tried another tack asking, “Do you have to hide that side of your personality outside of New Jersey?” “There’s no hope of that,” Christie deadpanned, bringing laughter from off-camera.

His deference to Republican candidates aside, last night was a good night for Christie, one that could justifiably raise his profile as we approach the election in 2016.