This is going on less than 3  miles from my home. Poor old guy just wants to feed the needy. I was actually there the day this happened, but left before he was arrested for the first time. Chef Arnold and his helpers dish out the food on the sidewalk alongside a downtown park where many homeless people congregate.

Abbott, affectionately known as “Chef Arnold,” and two South Florida ministers were charged last weekend as they handed out food. They were accused of breaking the ordinance and each faces up to 60 days in jail and a $500 fine.

“One of the police officers said, `Drop that plate right now,’ as if I were carrying a weapon,” Abbott said.

But on Wednesday night, Abbott and others served a four-course meal by the beach as police filmed from a distance and a crowd of nearly 100 mostly homeless and volunteers cheered their arrival.

“God bless you, Arnold!” some shouted. Others from the church carried signs in support of Abbott, saying the ordinance was violating their right to love thy neighbor.-FOX