In yet another insult to the American voter, ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber in the wake of the disastrous rollout of ObamaCare one year ago, claimed that thanks to the short attention spans of the American public, the calamity would soon be forgotten.

Blogger Rightpundit unearthed video from a 2013 interview showing Gruber expressing optimism that “the substance of the law will work.” 

“The website will work – it’s going to be fine,” Gruber told the host. “My worries are political – which is – can people be patient enough and understand that this is a process we measure in months and years not days and weeks.”

Asked if he was worried that the president’s reputation might be forever tainted by the unfortunate rollout, Gruber answered, “I think the short attention span of the American public works to the president’s advantage, here. I think a year from now when the law’s working, it will be long forgotten,” Gruber said.

The attention span of the American public is perhaps a little longer than Gruber realizes. A year later, ObamaCare’s approval rating stands at it’s lowest point to date – 37% according to Gallup. 

The Gruber Tapes 1-10 have been compiled here.