Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin endorsed fierce Texas conservative Katrina Pierson in her underdog bid to primary incumbent Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX) in Texas’s 32nd congressional district. Palin called Pierson a “feisty fighter” who is “an emerging leader and important voice for the future of the grassroots conservative movement.”

“Her life’s story is full of hardships she has fought to overcome, which taught her firsthand the importance of self-reliance, hard work, and the blessings of liberty,” Palin said. “A feisty fighter for freedom, Katrina is taking on a powerful incumbent who has so lost touch with the people of his district that he’s not even bothering to spend much time in Texas anymore.” Indeed, Pierson is a single mother who overcame tremendous adversity and bettered her life. She worked her way from poverty into becoming a healthcare administrator at a Level 1 trauma hospital in downtown Dallas. 

Palin, whose endorsement former South Carolina Senator and Heritage Foundation President Jim DeMint said had the most impact in GOP primaries, also mentioned that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) called Pierson “an utterly fearless principled conservative.” Pierson traveled across the state for Cruz to get him elected, even when Cruz was at 2% in the polls in his GOP Texas Senate primary in 2012. At least year’s CPAC, Cruz also said he would not be in the U.S. Senate were it not for Palin. 

Pierson told Breitbart Texas that she was honored to have Palin’s first endorsement of the 2014 cycle. 

“I am honored and humbled to receive the endorsement of Governor Sarah Palin, to have the team I have, and the fact that Governor Palin heard our calls for battle against the entrenched establishment,” Pierson said before saying Palin’s endorsement “highlights the importance of Texas in the battle against big government.”

“The national Left has chosen to focus on Texas in their efforts to turn our great state blue. We, as Republicans need to hold our leadership accountable and elect fighters who are up for the struggle– not complacent politicians,” Pierson said. “I will work day and night against the unconstitutional efforts of the Democratic Party and their friends in the Republican Party.”

Pierson has attacked Sessions for living part of the time in Florida, and Palin agreed that Sessions is “not only his district he’s lost touch with,” but also with the “the issues important to the voters there.”

“He used his powerful position to oppose the movement to defund Obamacare, has voted to raise the debt ceiling, and has been an advocate for the NSA intrusion into our freedoms,” Palin said. “When asked about Katrina’s primary challenge, he said, ‘these things happen.’ Yes, they do. We all know what happens when we come together to support a good candidate like Katrina – the permanent political class loses and We the People win!” 

Pierson has also attacked Sessions for voting to increase raise the debt ceiling, being in favor of amnesty and supporting the Wall Street bailouts. Cruz’s father, Rafael, Michelle Malkin, and the Tea Party Express have also endorsed Pierson’s upstart candidacy. 

“We win by electing a fighter we can depend on like Katrina Pierson,” Palin said of the grassroots’ fight against the permanent political class in D.C. and Texas.