The U.S. House Oversight Committee today released emails between the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Democrat Minority Leader Elijah Cummings of the same committee detailing joint attempts to collect non-public information from True the Vote.

According to the release obtained by Breitbart Texas, House Oversight offered glimpses into coordinated fishing attempts for information:

Five days after Cummings contacted True the Vote seeking “copies of all training materials used for volunteers, affiliates, or other entities,” the IRS sent True the Vote a letter requesting True the Vote provide “a copy of [True the Vote’s] volunteer registration form,” “…the process you use to assign volunteers,” “how you keep your volunteers in teams,” and “how your volunteers are deployed … following the training they receive by you.”

Redacted emails also demonstrate a working relationship between Rep. Cummings and embattled IRS official Lois Lerner. Lerner’s staff later supplied copies of True the Vote’s IRS Form 990 prior to TTV’s approval as a designated 501(c)(3) organization.

True the Vote President Catherine Engelbrecht released a statement in response to the revelation today.

“Today’s committee action reveals what we knew all along,” Engelbrecht said. “Elijah Cummings has blocked the IRS abuse investigation all along. We now see clearly that two branches of government have colluded to target and silence private citizens.”

A selection of documents released have been featured below.

FN-82 by BreitbartTexas

2012-10-04 EEC to Engelbrecht TrueTheVote by True The Vote PR

B349-BC-Sharp-Copier@mail.house_.gov_20140409_135221 by BreitbartTexas

FN-25 by BreitbartTexas

FN-29 by BreitbartTexas

FN-31 by BreitbartTexas

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