An Austin campaign event for Texas gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis took an unusual turn this week when members of the Austin Young Republicans (AYR) arrived on the scene and challenged her about the FBI probe and her on-going alleged ethics issues.  Carrying a variety of colorful signs, the AYR’s made a marked impact on the meeting of Wendy Davis Democrat supporters.

In an interview with AYR spokesman Adrienne Fore, Breitbart Texas learned just how quickly the AYRs can spring into action. “We found out she was going to be at Juan in a Million [popular Austin hangout],” Fore began, “and we decided it was time for us, as an organization, to speak our views and how she doesn’t represent us.  She doesn’t represent young Texans and we wanted to make sure that our voices were heard.”  Fore explained she got the notice about the event at 9:15 and through the use of social media, the AYS mobilized a response team of fifteen members, with signs, to show up for the 10:30 event.

The AYR group refrained from shouting in protest and just held up signs designed to communicate their concerns about Davis ethics problems. “We wanted to appear calm, cool and collected,” Fore said. “We wanted to exercise our 1st Amendment rights but we didn’t want to be disrespectful.”

Davis recently ducked an event in the Rio Grande Valley where she was scheduled to debate her opponent, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott. 

AYR brought this issue to the attention of Davis’ event attendees by carrying signs reading, “FBI?”, “Where’s Your Client List?”, “Wendy=Weak on Ethics”, and “What about the FBI?”  “We just wanted to make sure her supporters knew the issues that were going on,” Fore explained. She told Breitbart Texas some of the attendees attempted to escalate the protest by getting in the face of some of the AYRs however, the AYR protesters remained calm.  “They tried to make [our protester] say things or get him to act out,” she said. “It just shows how their tactics are and her supporter’s tactics are.  All we wanted to do is have our concerns voiced.”

The protesters and event attendees were mere feet apart separated by an iron fence making it impossible for their presence not to be observed by Davis and her attendees. The respectful manner of the AYR protest enabled them to be present throughout the event without being separated by law enforcement.

“We had fun with it,” Fore said. “We try to have a little bit more fun, but it is a serious topic. It’s hard to interact humor with all of this, but it’s fun to be able to have fun with things and to add that humor.  It’s pertinent into attracting young people into our group. Especially with our being a Republican group located in Austin.  We’re just a few red dots in this huge sea of blue.”

The Austin Young Republicans can be contacted via their Facebook group page, their LinkedIn page or you can follow them on Twitter @AustinYR.

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