HOUSTON, Texas–In the runoff election for the 247th Family District Court judicial bench, Associate Judge Meca (M.L.) Walker may have thought she had narrowed the field to one opponent coming out of the March 4th Republican Primary. Little did she know the 8-year-old daughter of her opponent, businessman and attorney John Schmude, would blossom into one of the most effective campaign workers on the trail this political season.

W.C. Fields once said, “Never work with animals or kids.” And there is a very good reason for that. They can easily steal the show, and often do. While some races in this runoff election across the Lone Star State have become quite bitter and divisive, Allie Schmude has made this particular race a joy to watch. This writer first met Allie at a campaign event last fall where she was anything but shy in expressing her excitement and support for her very conservative father in his race for judge. Over the course of the campaign, she grew in confidence and presence to become a highly effective campaign worker. When Allie arrives on the scene, she works the room like a master politician. She skillfully moves about the room distributing her dad’s flyers and confidently shakes hands with political candidates and activists alike. She proudly explains to people why her dad is the right candidate to be the judge in this court and asks for their vote. Often she can be overheard telling potential voters, “My daddy is the only candidate in this race that has never voted for Barrack Obama.” Many other candidates have been heard to say, “I am glad she is not working against me!”

Long-time political activist, Terry Lowry, who produces a political magazine called the Link Letter, interviewed little Allie Schmude during a guest appearance on his What’s Up Radio Program. During the radio interview posted below, you can get a small taste of the personality that has made Allie the hit of every political event she attends. She has met candidates from the bottom of the ballot to the top and is never intimidated, even when standing with the 6’7″ Lt. Governor David Dewhurst.

Listen now to Allie Schmude and Terry Lowry talk about this important election, the differences between her father and his opponent and why voters should consider voting for her father:

If her father prevails in this runoff election, it will be a joy to watch her take this campaign on the road to defeat the Democrat challenger. Regardless of the election’s outcome, there is a bright future ahead for a young lady who already knows who she is and where she is headed.

You can learn more about the candidates in the race for the 247th Family District Court by visiting the websites of John Schmude and Meca (M.L.) Walker.

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