On Thursday in a joint press release with The Metroplex Republicans, officials from The Log Cabin Republicans addressed being denied a booth at the Texas GOP Convention. Executive Director of the Log Cabin Republicans, Gregory T Angelo, told Breitbart Texas that his “blood is boiling” over being denied a spot for representing gay Republicans. 

According to Angelo, both the Log Cabin Republicans and the Metroplex Republicans applied for spaces at the upcoming June convention. “The Log Cabin Republicans were denied a space outright”, said Angelo. “But the Metroplex Republicans were granted an exhibitor space.” This space however, would be revoked once convention organizers learned that the group represented both straight and gay Republicans. 

Angelo learned that The Log Cabin Republicans and the Metroplex Republicans were denied a space on the convention floor because their groups “do not embody the party’s platform.” More specifically, they do not embody one part of the party’s platform that claims “homosexuality tears at the fabric of society.”  

“I would guess that most Republicans wouldn’t even know that language exists in the platform, let alone support it. I would guess that most Millennial Republicans wouldn’t even know that language exists in the platform, let alone support it,” Angelo said. 

Spencer Yeldell, the Communications Director for the Texas GOP, told Breitbart Texas, “Yes we have denied them a booth, but we deny booths to any organizations that actively oppose the party platform, such as groups that support gambling and the legalization of marijuana.” He added that the members of the Log Cabin Republicans and Metroplex Republicans “are welcome to attend as guests.” 

As an openly homosexual man in the Republican party, Angelo said he feels “more accepted as a gay man in Republican circles than a Republican in gay circles.” He argued that the Republicans he knows are open to homosexuals, and are accepting of their lifestyle. That being said, there is a small, but noisy faction of the GOP that Angelo described as being “obsessed with gay issues and obsessed with excluding gays in the party.” 

While Angelo and the Log Cabin Republicans have known about their group’s denial for over a week, they delayed going public with it until after the run off elections. They did this, Angelo said,  “to not give liberals fodder against the GOP.” 

“We had two reasons in putting on Thursday’s press conference,” Angelo said. “First, we wanted to show that we are loyal Republicans who don’t want to hurt the party. But second, because it is our obligation to point out the anti-gay language in the platform and remind the party that gay Republicans are part of a winning strategy to keep Texas red.” 

Angelo spoke very passionately about his party, and argued that needlessly dividing themselves won’t do the cause any favors. 

“If this party pushes an anti gay agenda, they will be playing right into Democratic hands. If our own party keeps insisting on dividing us, they will help the left turn Texas from a red state, to a purple state, and then finally to a vibrant blue state.” 

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