FortWorth — In the first major go-round on the official opening day of the Texas State Republican Convention, a strong “Educating our Children”subcommittee resolution to stop Common Core in Texas was initially adopted into the party platform.

The following resolution plank has been passed and has made it into this round of the developing “unofficial” platform. It reads:

“National Core Curriculum: We oppose the use of a national or international standards in the State of Texas (i.e., Common Core, CSCOPE, UN Inclusion, etc.). We also oppose the modification of college entrance exams to reflect any national core philosophies. Furthermore, any independent school district that violates state law banning the use of a national core curriculum or standards shall lose all state funding until said curriculum or standards are removed and no longer being utilized in the classroom.”

This plank will enforce the existing Texas Common Core shield law HB462 by punishing independent school districts that violate the proposed “national core curriculum” ban in Texas with the loss of their state funding that will only be reinstated once a district is in Texas Education Knowledge & Skills (TEKS), the state approved content standards, and HB 462 compliance.

This plank is in the working version of the platform  and would reject the College Board’s alignment of college entrance exams like the SAT and ACT to the Common Core State Standards.

According to “Educating our Children” subcommittee chairwoman Susan Fletcher (SD 8), the resolution may continue to change during the adoptionprocess; however for now, it has been entered into the party’s unofficial platform. Should this continue into the final version of the GOP platform, this resolution plank will be a major blow to the Common Core State Standards, CSCOPE and United Nations derived international Common Core like education programs. Breitbart Texas spoke with Fletcher immediately following the plank’s addition.

Fletcher, is also the GOP nominee for Collin County Commissioner, Precinct 1, in North Texas. She will take office after the November general election according to the Texas Local Government Code as she runs unopposed on the ballot.

Fletcher also told Breitbart Texas that the Texas Eagle Forum Vice President & Education Liaison MerryLynn Gerstenschlager and State Board of Education Pat Hardy (District 11) also have been very helpful with formulating the plank.

Additional education planks that were added this morning to the GOP temporary platform include such topics as local control for education, no taxpayer paid lobbyists, parental rights in education, permanent school fund, political organizing in Texas schools, private education, religious freedom in public schools, school choice, school surveys and testing, sex education, the role of the State Board of Education, textbook approval, supporting military families in education, traditional principles in education, transparency, the role of the US Department of Education, and issues related to zero-tolerance policies, among others

Breitbart Texas will continue to follow the education subcommittee’s resolutions and report as the resolutions continue to take their more permanent shape in the Texas Republican platform.

Follow Merrill Hope on Twitter @OutOfTheBoxMom.