HOUSTON, Texas–In an apparent effort to curb the continuous tidal wave of illegal immigrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) recently unveiled posters warning of the dangers that come with the trek north. The posters are part of an effort called the Dangers Awareness Campaign. 

CBP released a statement that said, “CBP has developed a multimedia public awareness campaign to communicate the dangers to the children and their families who are considering the journey.”

Print, television, and radio ads will be targeted at countries where a lot of illegal immigrants traveling to the U.S. originate. According to CBP, the paid advertising will primarily focus on the following messages: the journey is too dangerous; children will not get legal papers if they make it; they are the future–let’s protect them.

A translation of the CBP posters shows that one says, “I thought it would be easy for my son to obtain papers in the north… It was not true.” 

Another says, “I thought it would be easy for my son to obtain papers in the USA… I was wrong.”

Both posters additionally read, “Our children are the future: protect them.”

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