HOUSTON, Texas–Southern California has been the center of fiery protests since the federal government attempted to transport hundreds of illegal immigrants there from Southern Texas. Recently, protesters blocked a bus full of migrants from arriving at a housing facility in Murrieta, California. In response, another group of protesters–“pro-amnesty” folks–have collected in Murrieta to counter those who oppose the housing of illegal immigrants in the town. 

Rocio Pizarro was in Murrieta on Saturday “advocating” for the illegal immigrant minors. She was there holding two signs, one of which said “Justice for the children, they are human beings,” and another that asked, “Obama, where are you?”

The issue is close to her–she claimed that most of her own family members are illegal immigrants from Mexico, but insisted that “we follow all the laws in the country.”

Pizarro told Breitbart Texas, “The migrants are human beings, just like any child. I don’t know why people are protesting–it’s very inhumane. The people who should really be protesting are Native Americans. This land was taken from them, but I don’t see them protesting.”

She continued, “Amnesty or some sort of immigration reform needs to be put in place. It will benefit everyone, but especially the kids.”

Pizarro refused to acknowledge the assertion that by allowing the children to stay in the U.S., more Central Americans will be incentivized to make the dangerous–and often deadly–trek north. She insisted, “If the children have their parents here, they should be reunited with them. If they don’t have parents then we need to be more involved. Someone can adopt the children. If they go back [to Central America], they’re going to get killed. We really need to be human and think about those things.”

Many have argued that U.S. policies only encourage more illegal crossers. After entering the country illegally, instead of being sent back to their home countries the foreigners are being given taxpayer subsidized benefits including housing, food, education, vocational training, recreation, and even legal counsel. Subsequent to spending a relatively short time in federal custody. most of the migrants are set free on U.S. soil. 

Senator Ted Cruz previously told Breitbart Texas that the border crisis is ” a direct consequence of the presidents illegal actions. The parents [of the migrants] think, ‘If I send my child [to the U.S.], my child will have amnesty.’ That’s what the president of the U.S. has said. It is the exact opposite of a humane approach to immigration or to securing our borders.”

Follow Kristin Tate on Twitter @KristinBTate.