HOUSTON, Texas — Ahead of the September 9 special election for the fifty-one county Texas Senate District 28 seat both money and endorsements have been accumulated by two of the six candidates in the campaign. In July and the first part of August it seems as though it is Rep. Charles Perry with the momentum.

The campaign contribution reports for July showed that Rep. Charles Perry raised $114,685 compared to Jodey Arrington’s haul of $65,380 during the same time period. The amount raised by Arrington is a huge drop from the $206,650 that he had raised in June.  Because of Arrington’s heft haul in June, it leaves him competitive with Perry in the money race overall. As of July 31, Perry had $287,106 in his campaign war chest while Arrington had $230,786.

The Arrington campaign did have two contributors in July that may have some influence with the voters. Former United States Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales, donated $300 to Arrington while former President George W. Bush donated $1,000. While on the campaign trail, Arrington refers to his days working for former President George W. Bush when talking about leadership and how he would describe his style.

Perry not only leads in the money race but in the endorsement race as well. While Jodey Arrington secured an endorsement from the Texas Medical Assosciation’s political arm TEXPAC, Perry has had conservative groups rally around him. Those groups and organizations who have endorsed Perry include the Young Conservatives of Texas, Texas Right to Life, Texans for Fiscal Responsibility, and the NRA.

Only two other candidates in the race were able to raise any money in July. Democrat Greg Wortham of Sweetwater raised $12,905 and Libertarian Kerry McKennon raised $855. Former State Representative Delwin Jones loaned himself $70,000 to campaign with.

Early voting in the special election starts on August 25 with Election Day on September 9.

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