HOUSTON, Texas — Dr. Sanjay Gupta explained the Ebola patient’s condition in an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper on Wednesday; they discussed how the recent exposures could have been prevented.

When asked by Tapper on the condition of patient, Thomas Eric Duncan. Dr. Sanjay Gupta explained Duncan’s condition as, “serious, but stable, is how it’s categorized now,” He continued, “He’s able to talk, communicating, even asking for food, that can be a very good sign.”

Tapper mentioned Texas Governor Perry speaking earlier about the case and the school age children that have been exposed to the infected patient. Tapper asks, “Is there extra concern for children who may have come in contact with the virus?” Dr. Gupta responded saying, “Odds are very much on their side, despite being in contact, doesn’t mean they will be infected, by any means.” He continued, “They are going to have their temperature monitored every day for 21 days and see if anything happens.”

Tapper asked, “Any rough idea of how many people might be at risk?”

Tapper then went on to ask, “It does seem like a major mistake not having admitted Mr. Duncan to the hospital sooner, what have we learned about why that happened? Why, he was able to go back home for two days merely with antibiotics?”

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