HOUSTON, Texas — Texas State Senator and Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick released a new television commercial attacking his opponent, State Senator and Democratic nominee Leticia Van de Putte, as being one of “the most liberal politicians in Texas.” 

The ad highlights the many ways in which Van de Putte has been out of step with Texans by endorsing big government policies.

“Liberal Leticia opposed property tax cuts,” a narrator said in the commercial. “Supported a state-wide property tax, and even supported a tax on employee wages — an income tax on Texas workers.”

Patrick then juxtaposed Van de Putte’s record by pointing out that he “sponsored one of the biggest tax cuts in America, helping Texas lead the nation in job creation. As Lieutenant Governor I’ll cut property taxes and keep the Texas economy number one in America.” 

Patrick Campaign senior strategist Allen Blakemore echoed this sentiment in a statement obtained by Breitbart Texas. He said, “Senator Patrick sponsored one of the biggest tax cuts in America during the recession. Patrick has helped Texas lead the nation in job creation through conservative principles – a clear contrast to Van de Putte’s job-killing policies.”

“Texans want a Lieutenant Governor who stands for fiscal responsibility and has a pro-business, pro-economy record, not a Washington-style candidate like liberal Leticia,” Blakemore added.

In September Patrick and Van de Putte went head to head during the first debate in the Lieutenant Governor’s race. Patrick opened the debate by noting that “there has never been a bigger difference” between two Texas Lieutenant governor candidates.

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