DALLAS, Texas — Amber Joy Vinson, the second nurse to contract the deadly Ebola virus while treating Ebola-stricken Liberian national Thomas Eric Duncan, may be clear of the disease according to an statement from Vinson’s family released late Wednesday.

We are overjoyed to announce that, as of yesterday evening, officials at Emory University Hospital and the Centers for Disease Control are no longer able to detect virus in her body,” read a portion of the statement posted in a WFAA 8 article.

The statement continued, “She has also been approved for transfer from isolation. Amber remains under treatment within Emory’s Serious Communicable Diseases Unit.”

“Amber and our family are ecstatic to receive this latest report on her condition,” said Vinson’s mother, Debra Berry. “We all know that further treatment will be necessary as Amber continues to regain strength, but these latest developments have truly answered prayers and bring our family one step closer to reuniting with her at home.”

120 people in Dallas remained on the 21 day watch list for Ebola as of Monday having had contact with individuals that contracted the virus. Five more were scheduled to be released within the week. Breitbart’s Kristin Tate previously reported on a new World Health Organization report that, “questions whether the 21-day incubation period is long enough.”

Another 164 that had contact with Vinson during her visit to Ohio in the days before she was diagnosed with Ebola. Those 164 are reportedly now also on a 21 day watch list for the disease. WFAA reported, “Dr. Mary DiOrio said during a telephone news conference that monitoring of those 164 people should end November 4.”

At the time of this report, the Centers for Disease Control and Emory University Hospital, where Vinson is being treated, had not confirmed whether Vinson has been cleared or not.

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