WARNING: This is a story of unimaginable horror. Reader discretion is strongly advised.

Four people were arrested Tuesday in Dallas and charged with engaging in organized criminal activity for an alleged brutal, six hour attack in order to induce an abortion in a 14-year-old pregnant girl who had reportedly been raped by a family member.

An affidavit, according to the Dallas Morning News, says the four then tried to burn the stillborn baby on a charcoal grill before eventually disposing of the body in a plastic bag. As the affidavit reportedly says:

Accomplice Sharon Jones contacted suspect Cedric Jones Jr. approximately two days later and offered to pay him $25 if he would take care of the rest of it. Suspect Cedric Jones, along with a witness, returned to the location at which time Suspect Cedric Jones Jr. placed the remains in a dark green plastic bag with a red drawstring, placed it in his trunk, and stashed the remains in an unknown location.

The alleged attack took place in the Dallas neighborhood of Pleasant Grove in 2013 but wasn’t reported until May 22nd, 2015.

Police arrested Lonnell McDonald, Cecila McDonald, Cedric Jones, and Sharon Jones, all of whom are being held on $150,000 bond.

A search of Texas DPS records by Breitbart Texas shows that a man named Lonnell McDonald who is the same age as the arrested man was found guilty of misdemeanor theft after an arrest in 2008.

According to the affidavit, Lonnell McDonald told suspect Cedric Jones that he had been “kicking the shit out of the bitch.”

In order to abort the baby, the affidavit says that suspect Sharon Jones gave the victim “multiple doses of birth control pills, Plan B emergency contraception pills and cinnamon tablets.”

As the Dallas Morning News reports:

After the pills failed to induce an abortion, Cecila McDonald pinned the girl down while Lonnell McDonald began “repeatedly bouncing up and down” while sitting on the girl’s abdomen. He also is accused of kicking the girl repeatedly.

Cecilia McDonald told her, “You ain’t about to get my kids taken away from me,” while Lonnell McDonald laughed, according to the affidavit.

The victim, who was reportedly a virgin when she was allegedly raped by the unnamed family member, remained quiet about the attack until last month.