CHARLESTON, South Carolina — At Tuesday’s controversial New Black Panther Party (NBPP) rally in Charleston, South Carolina, NBPP leader Malik Zulu Shabazz called for the death penalty for accused murderer Dylann Roof and said that the black victims would have been safer if they had been allowed to have guns in church.

The statements by Shabazz draw a clear distinction between the NBPP and the Obama administration position on issues like gun control.

The New Black Panther Party takes a pro-Second Amendment and pro-death penalty political position, although as Shabazz and other event speakers such as Nicey X make it clear, they combine it with broad anti white racism, violent anti-police rhetoric and virulent anti-Americanism.

Shabazz makes the number of statements that many Second Amendment, anti-crime advocates would agree with.

Arm yourself or harm yourself. According to the Second Amendment of United States Constitution, that is a key part of our message. Arm yourself of harm yourself. Arm yourself of harm yourself. Self defense.

Yes, it’s a hell of a reality. Yes, I know, mothers you don’t want to see more guns on the street. It’s also a fact of the matter that Dylan Roof reloaded five times in that church.

Shabazz goes on to make an argument that many conservatives have made with but that liberal Democrats have ignored or denied: that had churchgoers been armed the tragedy could have been averted.

Reloaded five times and on one of those reloads somebody should have been able to put him in the ground, put him in the grave. In self defense, somebody should’ve rolled up and capped his behind and riddled his body with bullets. We don’t want no forgiveness for Dylann Roof. All we want is his death.

Shabazz, and his audience, then called for the accused murder to receive the death penalty.

Does he deserve the eath penalty? If you believe that Dylann Roof deserves the death penalty, raise your hand high. Raise your hand high. Death penalty. By lethal injection. Or by firing squad. I ain’t playing.

Nearly everyone of the approximately 250 people in the all-black crowd raised their hands.

Follow Lee Stranahan on Twitter at @Stranahan.