Border Patrol agents working out of the Brackettville Station caught a previously deported sex offender after he re-entered the U.S. last week. Bracketville Station is located more than 30 miles from the Texas/Mexico border.

For 29-year-old Alejandro Velasquez-Aboytes, it wasn’t his first trip north. That trip ended 7 years ago with his conviction of sexual battery and subsequent deportation.

Del Rio Sector Chief Patrol Agent Rodolfo Karisch reported in a statement obtained by Breitbart Texas that as the agents in Brackettville began processing Velasquez-Aboytes, they discovered his past criminal history, including a drunk driving conviction in 2006, and then a sexual battery conviction in Lexington, Oklahoma in 2008. The sexual batter charge netted him a five year stay in prison. He ended up serving less than two years before being deported in March of 2009.

Velasquez-Aboytes faces a charge of illegal re-entry after deportation – 8 USC § 1326 – which carries a penalty of up to 20 years in prison Karisch stated. His prior order of removal will be reinstated.

“Homeland security is our primary mission, but apprehensions like this help keep our communities safe,” said Karisch.

The sector chief added that since the start of the fiscal year on October 1, agents have arrested 10 previously deported sex offenders.

Breitbart Texas has been reporting a steady stream of rapists, pedophiles and other violent criminals being arrested by Customs and Border Protection officers and Border Patrol agents as they cross into Texas or come across the southern border.

The most recent arrest of a sex offender was in mid-January, with a rapist being busted near Calexico, California, but Breitbart Texas Managing Editor Brandon Darby reported in November, 2015 about a CBP news release on the arrest of three more men, which read, in part:

On November 5, agents assigned to the Laredo North Station arrested a male Mexican national who had been charged and convicted in 2013 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, for Sexual Abuse to a Child.  The following day, Laredo West Station agents arrested a male Mexican national who was charged and convicted in 1993 in Los Angeles, California, for Sexual Intercourse with a Minor. The last case happened on November 9, when Laredo South Border Patrol agents arrested a third subject, a Mexican national, who was previously convicted of Aggravated Sexual Assault.

Velasquez-Aboytes’s arrest came the day before a major announcement by federal and state law enforcement efforts targeting sexual predators along the Rio Grande Valley, as reported by Breitbart Texas’ Ildefonso Ortiz. They plan a special emphasis on those coming into the U.S. illegally, or known sex offenders returning to the U.S.

Previously deported criminal aliens has been a long-recurring trend at the border. In March 2016, Darby reported that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deported more than 7,000 sex offenders in the prior three-year period. Nearly 900 were deported in one quarter for sex offenses against children. These people keep finding their way back across the unsecured border to the United States despite deportation efforts by ICE.

Rob Milford is a reporter for Breitbart Texas. You can follow him on Facebook.