Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton made a late-night speech at a rally in Houston on Saturday, before heading back to California.

In what her campaign schedule shows as her only appearance in the Lone Star State before the March 1st Democratic Party primary, the former secretary of state spoke before a crowd of about 2,000 people at Texas Southern University.

Ms. Clinton took that stage about 10:35, more than 2 hours after the start of the event that featured a litany of Democratic notables from the Houston area, including State Representative Gene Wu (D-Houston), on the Clinton committee, and State Senator Rodney Ellis (D-Houston), a stalwart of the African-American community. In the photo above, former Harris County Sheriff Adrian Garcia, who is currently running for Congress against the incumbent U.S. Representative Gene Green, can be seen in the shadows.

The former New York senator used the Houston event as a post-victory rally for her defeat over U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders in the Nevada Democratic Caucuses. She won with just over 52 percent of the vote.

While one story said that Mrs. Clinton has “deep roots in Texas,” others noted that the Houston rally is the only scheduled visit to Texas before the March 1st primary. Polls are showing she is handily topping Senator Sanders with at least a 20-point lead. The only other scheduled events for the campaign in Texas will be a short series of fundraisers.

On Monday, former President Bill Clinton will be the guest of honor at a reception at the home of Congressman Henry Cuellar in Laredo. Donations start at $1,000, and for a donation of $10,000 you would be eligible to be the “co-host” for the event. There is a “Get Out the Vote” rally in Dallas set for Monday, and with a donation of $2,700, you receive a backstage meeting and photo with the former president.

There is also a fundraiser on Thursday the 25th in San Antonio with former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright at the home of Paul Boskind. Donations range from $250 to $1,000, with the higher donation including a picture.

Rob Milford is a reporter for Breitbart Texas. You can follow him on Twitter.