BATON ROUGE, LA. — Unprecedented flooding in Louisiana is bringing back all-too-painful memories for some after the country’s most destructive natural disaster ever, Hurricane Katrina.

Louisiana resident Cierra Davis told ABC News she barely made it out of her flooded home safely this time around, saying she was grateful her children were not with her; otherwise, they may not have survived.

“I’m trying to deal with it in the best way that I can, but it’s just so horrible,” Davis said after being rescued by the National Guard.

Coincidentally, Davis survived Hurricane Katrina just back in 2005 in New Orleans, and now, the flooding is upending her life once again.

“It was horrible,” Davis told ABC of Katrina. “We lost everything. Family members, and animals and people that we cared about the most.”

“It’s so heartbreaking,” Davis said of being flooded in a disaster for the second time.

Another flooded resident, Lester Coleman of Baton Rouge, said this was his second flood after having everything taken from him by Katrina.

Coleman said he moved to Baton Rouge to avoid flooding in the mostly southern areas of the state, saying “I had no other choice.”

But, Coleman acknowledged that Katrina was a much bigger storm than what he is now experiencing in Baton Rouge, though both remain disastrous.

“Overnight the water came in, and once it came in we just had to get out,” Coleman said.

Coleman adds that although the experiences are different, the damage is exactly the same.

“You’re never exempt for any kind of tragedy,” Coleman said. “You gotta take things and hold on for Christ as long as you can and just keep the hope. You keep your faith, and as long as a life is saved, that means more. Material things is nothing.”

In total, 11 people have died in the flooding and more than 20,000 have been rescued from their homes in what is being called the “100-year flood” across a state.

John Binder is a contributor for Breitbart Texas. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.