NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana – A student at Loyola University says his professor called the police on him because he was wearing his police uniform, claiming it was allegedly making other students uncomfortable.

Josh Collins, a police officer in the area, wrote on Facebook about the incident where he said his professor targeted him simply because he was dressed in his uniform after duty.

“Given how busy we have been this past week, including today, I showed up to class late and was still in full uniform because I didn’t have time to change,” Collins wrote on his Facebook. “Obviously, being in full police uniform, I was armed. This is the first time after having six previous classes that anyone became aware of my profession.”

“Shortly after my arrival, a fellow classmate complained to the professor about their uncomfortableness of having an armed police officer in the class,” Collins continued. “Mind you, I have sat in the same class for the last six weeks in civilian clothing. My professor then called the police.”

“Of course I was not privileged to either of these conversations as they took place behind my back,” Collins wrote. “My professor then pulled me out of class and told me that he had called the police based on the student complaint. The police obviously never came and told him over the phone that I was perfectly within the law.”

Loyola University officials say the entire incident was “one big misunderstanding,” according WWL-TV.

“A student in the class saw another student with a firearm, and during a class break said something to the teacher,” university officials said in a statement. “The teacher contacted campus security to determine university policy. Campus security directed the teacher to confirm that the student with the firearm works in law enforcement. The teacher confirmed that the student worked in law enforcement and the class resumed at the end of the break.”

Collins, though, said this is not the first time he has put up with intolerance from students at Loyola, mocking them as “the ideals of a 18 year old ultra socialist.”

“You know, as a white male conservative, I have put up with a lot of prejudicial and biased comments directed towards me while attending Loyola University New Orleans,” Collins wrote.

“First of all, what type of over sensitive indoctrinated liberal flower petals has this generation created that they are scared of going to school with a uniformed police officer?” Collins continued.

Collins also railed against liberal universities like Loyola, saying “In creating an environment where everyone is accepted for who they are, you have now created an environment where I have been ostracized.”

Collins has yet to respond to direct inquiries on the matter. His Facebook page indicates that he holds the rank of sergeant with the Jefferson County Sherriff’s Office and is a part owner in a company that offers firearm safety and concealed carry classes.

John Binder is a contributor for Breitbart Texas. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.