Flyers urging Blacks in Chicago to report Hispanic illegal immigrants to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is “race-baiting,” said a Chicago alderman.

The flyer that resembles a “Wanted Poster” says “CALL 1-866-DHS-2-ICE TO REPORT ILLEGALS.” The poster adds, “Help Atty. General Jeff Sessions Help US Black People.” It says in large bold letters with ice caps on the tops of the letters – “ICE EM.”

The public notice claims that a reward of “$$$$$$$$ 3,000-10,000 Per Illegal Reported $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$” is available.

“The flyer offers the outrageous and baseless claims that Latino immigrants are taking jobs away from African-American Chicagoans,” Chicago Alderman Raymond Lopez told DNA Info. He urged, “Don’t fall for this phony argument.”

The placard states, “Sanctuary city Policies endanger the lively hood of every [A]merican, while violating federal law and destroying the black community.”

The flyer continues:

Studies done by the Democratic Black Caucus have found that illegal immigrants create a burden on the black community and economy, majority are paid under the table. 72% of illegals have jobs biggest in construction and factory work, right here in Chicago.

Alderman Lopez says he represents Blacks and Hispanics in the 15th Ward and called the flyer “a fraud” and “an effort by some nameless entity to divide us and get people to sell their own neighbors, like Judas Iscariot, for a few pieces of silver. We all know how history remembers Judas.”

The flyers have appeared in Englewood and Roseland and near a West Pullman construction site and on the West Side, DNA Info reported.

Fox 32 reported that a spokesperson with ICE said the phone number is a correct tip line but called the flyer “fake.” “These flyers, stickers, and posters are not issued by or sanctioned by ICE. These fake flyers are similar to the recent rash of false reports involving purported ICE checkpoints and random sweeps; these reports are dangerous and irresponsible.”

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior political news contributor for Breitbart Texas. He is a founding member of the Breitbart Texas team. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX and Facebook.