Ret. Navy Seal Ben Brink told Fox News that he has been reaching out to retired special ops men and asking them to monitor polls, especially places with reported voter intimidation. The “Get Out The Vet” President said that he could think of no one better to watch polling places to ensure that our privilege to vote was not corrupted.


Former Navy Captain Benjamin Brink is leading the operation; says Brink to the Larry Mendte radio show: “The nation saw the video of members of the Black Panthers in Philadelphia intimidating people trying to vote in 2008. We are going to try and make certain that nothing like that happens this year.”

Brink claims to have over a hundred former Army Rangers, Navy Seal, Delta Force, Green Berets and others who have volunteered for duty. The idea of Navy Seals and Black Panthers getting into it at a Philly polling site gives a whole new incentive for casting a ballot. “Our guys aren’t easily intimidated,” adds Brink.