QUESTION: Or even the Secretary-elect Senator John Kerry, if she has spoken with him?

MS. NULAND: She has spoken to Senator Kerry. I think they spoke sometime earlier in the week or over the weekend, and she took that opportunity to reiterate that she wants to help him be as successful as possible and to have as smooth a transition as possible.

QUESTION: Do you have the exact date when she spoke with Kerry?

MS. NULAND: I think it was on Saturday, but I will confirm that for you, Catherine.

QUESTION: And just an update on him. You said he’d be around quite a bit. Was he here – is here today? Is there any particular schedule?

MS. NULAND: My understanding is he is in the building today. Frankly, I didn’t check on his precise schedule, but he is continuing to meet with senior leaders in the building and to prepare for the confirmation hearings