Translated by Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat, Syrian nationals claim that rockets were fired that contained “powder.” “It’s just like a powder,” one Syrian said, “and when somebody smells the powder they fall to the ground.” More from Walid Shoebat:

“The chemical attack in Khan al-Assal is said to have been done by Assad, but as people are swayed to believing the jihadist rebels, we have first hand testimony from just one of the multitude of victims of this tragedy. Also, there are some important facts that we have to take into perspective. The assault happened in the town of Khan al-Assal, a predominately Shiite town. The Syrian revolution is a Sunni movement, and one of its main goals is to remove the Shiite Assad regime. The town has also been a common victim of attacks by Al-Qaeda, a Sunni organization. This is thus an indication that the attack was conducted by Sunnis, and not the government which is Shiite. Moreover, neither the rebels nor the government denies that amongst the victims were military personal. In fact, it is said that out of the 26 dead 16 were Syrian soldiers. Why would a Shiite government orchestrate a terrorist attack on its own soldiers especially in a Shiite town?”