DAVID GREGORY: As you know, the White House said this week after this intelligence estimate came out about the use of chemical weapons that the case that Syria actually did that is not airtight. What do you say?

SENATOR JOHN MCCAIN: Well, it may not be airtight. The Israelis and the British are far more affirmative in their assessment of it. But, David, we should not be — our actions should not be dictated by whether Bashar Al-Assad used these chemical weapons or not. First of all, sooner or later he most likely would in order to maintain his hold on power. But what has happened here is the President drew a red line about chemical weapons, thereby giving a green light to Bashar Al-Assad to do anything short of that including scud missiles and helicopter gun ships and air strikes and mass executions and atrocities that are on a scale that we have not seen in a long, long time.