In this week’s installment of Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam YouTube video series, “The Time and What Must Be Done,” the controversial minister uses the shooting of Trayvon Martin to argue that America was “not made” for minorities, imploring his audience to “rebel against these tyrants”–presumably the institutional forces of “white supremacy.”

“You are gonna have to come to the realization that the death or murder of Trayvon was a nail in the coffin of white supremacy. Our people are rising, but you don’t know where to go; you don’t know what to do. But this has gone on in every generation. It’s telling us that we’re living in a society where we will never get the justice that God wants for us. We will never find the equity that God wants for us, nor the freedom. We have to separate. We have to find a path, and America, you have to let the black man go.”