State Department Spokeswoman Jen Psaki was forced to respond to criticisms from Associated Press reporter Matt Lee on Tuesday when Lee mocked the administration for trusting the Russian government in upcoming talks. The State Department announced that Secretary Kerry would be meeting with his counterpart in the Russian government this Friday to discuss a range of issues, including Syria. Lee questioned the administration’s faith when negotiating with the Russian government on Syria saying, “You guys seem to buy pretty much everything that the Russians say hook, line, and sinker, and then get – continually get let down, disappointed by them … And if the Russians tell you that they can deliver Assad, or at least members of his regime, and then Assad gets on TV and gives a speech, which you say means that he’s – that he disagrees with the entire idea of what the Russians said that he – they could bring him in on.” Psaki responded saying that the “goal” and “focus” of the administration is the same and that the Department is aware of the it won’t be an “easy road.”


QUESTION: Well, I’m just wondering – the reason I ask the question is that you guys seem to buy pretty much everything that the Russians say hook, line, and sinker, and then get – continually get let down, disappointed by them. Putin said he didn’t want the Snowden thing to become a thorn, to become an issue in relations with the United States. It clearly has, regardless of the fact that this meeting is going ahead on Friday. And if the Russians tell you that they can deliver Assad, or at least members of his regime, and then Assad gets on TV and gives a speech, which you say means that he’s – that he disagrees with the entire idea of what the Russians said that he – they could bring him in on, it would seem to me that that might raise some concerns about whether the Russians are actually telling you the truth or not when they speak to you.
MS. PSAKI: Well, Matt —
QUESTION: Well, does it?
MS. PSAKI: — our goal and our focus remains the same. I would point you to the Russians on that. But they will discuss this as – among many topics on Friday. And we know that this won’t be an easy road forward. But that remains our focus and that remains our goal, is a political transition.