On his Monday night radio program, conservative talker Mark Levin offered a scathing critique of President Barack Obama and the direction he has taken the country.

Transcript as follows:

Let me be clear about this. Let me help some of these Republicans here and of course tomorrow’s hosts, they may want to cherry-pick some of this. This president has created more poverty, more economic inequality, more economic dislocation, more crushing debt than any president in modern American history including Jimmy Carter and Herbert Hoover.

This president has set back the economic progress of women more than any modern president. This president has set back the economic progress of minorities, including African-Americans, more than any modern president. This president has set back economic opportunity for our young people — our children and our grandchildren — more than any modern president because he has embraced the most ideological, the most radical form of economics. A system they cannot work; a system that will not work; a system that is impossible.

He’s spreading misery, he’s spreading destitution and he’s spreading poverty. This is not the America that the framers established. This is not the America that we were born into, each and every one of us. And because he’s increasingly frustrated by his own incompetence and failure. What is he doing?

He’s dividing this nation, he’s Balkanizing this nation along every conceivable route that he can find — whether it’s religious, whether it’s economic, whether it’s race, whether it’s age, whether it’s income, whether it’s religion. And he’s seizing more and more power as he panics, as he becomes desperate, as imperial minds do. Yes, he’s an imperial president. And just as I said, this president has been conducting a certain, a sure gradual coup which is now being picked up.

He’s also an imperial president, which is also now being understood. He’s changing our system of government. He’s destroying our economic system. He’s nationalizing businesses and industries through the front door and through the back door. Did you know they have over 6,000 regulations and rules that they’re preparing to unleash on us?

Do you know that he’s put out the word to his cabinet, to his agency heads and to everybody in the federal government that this is their time? Now come hell or high water by 2016 when he leaves office he wants thousands and thousands of regulations pouring out at the EPA, the [Agriculture] Department, the Education Department, the Energy Department, Interior and all the rest.

This man is a one-man wrecking ball, that’s exactly what he is. He wants to talk about inequality. We want to talk about liberty. And it is liberty that we need to talk about.

(h/t RCP Video)