On Thursday’s “The Daily Show” on Comedy Central, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was interview by host Jon Stewart. In that appearance, Stewart asked Pelosi to explain why the rollout of ObamaCare has been so plagued, especially the website exchanges, to which Pelosi had no answer.

STEWART: OK, we are going to set up a health care website that is an exchange. People are going to come to it. Why is it so hard to get a company to execute that competently?

PELOSI: I don’t know. That’s my question —

STEWART: Let me get the House Minority Leader here. I can ask her. What do you mean you don’t know? How do you not know?

PELOSI: It’s not my responsibility. But I will say this – we work very hard to honor our responsibility, to pass a bill that honors the vows of our founders: Life, a healthier life, liberty, to pursue your happiness, to have policy – yeah, if you want to be a writer, if you want to be a comedian, if you want to be a cameraperson, if you want to start a business –

STEWART: Those are theoretical. I’m talking about practical