Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei: “The kind of freedom that we have does not exist anywhere else in the world. Nowhere – not even in those countries that purport to have freedom of speech. Even these countries have red lines about which they are very strict. In Europe, nobody dares to talk about the Holocaust. When it comes to the Holocaust… It is not clear whether it is real or not, and if it is real – how it happened. Expressing an opinion about the Holocaust or doubting the Holocaust is considered one of the greatest crimes. They arrest people, throw them into prison, and place them on trial. Yet these countries purport to have freedom of speech. Finally, oh Iranian nation, let me toll you one more thing: You should know that the international community will not make progress according to the intentions and will of America.”

Crowd: “Allah Akbar!”

Khamenei is the leader.

Death to those who oppose the Rule of the Jurisprudent.

Death to America.

Death to England.

Death to the hypocrites.

Death to Israel!

Death to America.

Death to America.

Follow Pam on Twitter @pamkeyNEN