On Monday’s “On the Record” on the Fox News Channel, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) offered a wide-ranging interview to host Greta van Susteren. In that appearance, Paul discussed the Bundy Ranch standoff in Nevada, education including Common Core and Justice Antonin Scalia’s remarks about taxes from last week.

“I don’t think really the curriculum ought to be nationalized,” Paul said about Common Core. “I think each state can handle education better than the federal government. The same way that the federal government doesn’t know whether you are a good teacher or not, they also don’t know what curriculum is the best. I think more innovation would be by giving more freedom to the states and localities. So, I’m for less federal control of education and more local control.”

On Scalia’s remarks, he suggested the best form of “revolt” should be at the ballot box.

“Yeah, I hope he warned them the consequences of revolt against the government,” Paul said. “There are consequences. I think really, if he means the form of revolt should be at the ballot box, I wholeheartedly agree and there should be an electoral revolt against the tax system we have. And we should throw a lot of people out who have given us this crummy tax system. And we should begin immediately changing the tax system to keep American companies at home and keep them from migrating from overseas because of our onerous tax system.”

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