On his Friday broadcast of his primetime Fox News Channel show, Sean Hannity host debate between blogger and American Freedom Defense Initiative president Pamela Geller and liberal talk show host Richard Fowler.

That debate pertained to radical Islam including the Boko Haram, Sharia Law and President Barack Obama’s policy toward these elements.

Transcript as Follows:

HANNITY: All right, and joining us now with more reaction on this and more, radio talk show host Richard Fowler. Joining me in studio is author, conservative blogger Pamela Geller is with us. Pam, good to see you. How are you?

GELLER: Very well, thank you. And you?

HANNITY: All right, let — let — you know, you and I have been saying this for well over a decade, longer, 15 years we can go back, our history together, we’ve talked about this.


HANNITY: Now because the hotel is owned by Sultan of Brunei and they adopt Sharia, now all of a sudden — and by the way, I’m glad they’re joining us, but there’s four of them. That’s it, four.

GELLER: Well, and why this hotel? I mean, because it’s a hotel that they like? The fact is, the Bel-Air is owned by the same people, and so is the Fairmont is Sharia-owned, and various hotels’ banks. And we see George Clooney frolicking in Abu Dhabi, while literally, in the United Arab Emirates, they’ve — they arrested, for example, a British woman who was on a business trip, who was raped. And she reported the rape and they reported her.

HANNITY: This is — this is mainstream Sharia, women in Saudi Arabia — why do we do business with a country that doesn’t let women drive, women must cover themselves. They can’t be seen in public without men they’re not related to. That’s Saudi Arabia, when we have oil that we could supplement here and we can become energy-independent.

GELLER: But why is Warner Bros. and Paramount doing business there and building theme parks there? I think another very important point to make is Hollywood has whitewashed Islam and Sharia from all their productions. As a matter of fact, there was a television show, “Alice of Arabia,” that was shelved, even though the writer said it was going to be pro-Arab. It was a show that showcased Muslim kidnappings of girls.

This is a phenomena that we see time and time again. We’ve see it now in Boko Haram. It is — again, the Hamas group CAIR, the Council of American Islamic Relations, who applies Sharia pressure, and they cave every time. Look at Liam Neeson’s recent film. The terrorist was a 9/11 family member, and the only good guy on the plane was a Muslim in full Muslim garb!


GELLER: He was the only good guy! Never is a terrorist an Islamic terrorist! It’s Serb, it’s Russian…

HANNITY: Man-caused disasters, overseas contingency operation, Fort Hood is workplace violence.

All right, Richard, let me go to you. You like Barack Obama. You’ve been on this program many times defending him. Explain to me why this president made the decision — I’ll give you one example, I can give you many — to give F-16s, tanks and 1.5 billion taxpayer dollars, now that Sharia’s so important, to the Muslim Brotherhood, then president of Egypt, who referred to the Israelis as descendants of apes and pigs? Why did your president do that?

RICHARD FOWLER, RADIO TALK SHOW HOST: Well, Sean, listen, I think what we — what President Obama was doing in a particular instance in Egypt…

HANNITY: I asked you why would you give that person…

FOWLER: … was he was standing with the people…


HANNITY: Answer my question! Do you support that?

FOWLER: I’m answering the question, Sean. And the reason why the president made the decision, because a lot of top his generals, a lot of generals on both sides of the aisle…

HANNITY: Well, it was his decision.

FOWLER: … said, we’ve got to help these folks…

HANNITY: No! It was — no, don’t…

FOWLER: … fight for democracy.

HANNITY: … pass it off on his generals!

FOWLER: It was his decision.

HANNITY: It was Obama’s decision!


FOWLER: It was the president’s decision and…

HANNITY: Stop passing the buck!

FOWLER: … the decision was — the decision was that Mubarak was not right for the people. The people objected him outright. And because of that…

HANNITY: This isn’t about Obama! All right…

FOWLER: … Obama sided with the people…

HANNITY: … let me repeat again.

FOWLER: … pushing for democracy.

HANNITY: Hollywood liberals are upset because of a — of the sultan of Brunei owning this posh hotel out — the Beverly Hills Hotel. I want you to explain to this audience why you supported the president giving F- 16s, tanks and $1.5 billion to a guy that was part of a terror organization called the Muslim Brotherhood, that we — that Saudi Arabia now recognizes as a terror group, they referred to the Israelis — he personally referred to Israelis as descendants of apes and pigs. Tell me why you support that!

FOWLER: Look, Sean, where we agree on this particular point is that it is wrong, and that any type of law that will kill folks because they happen to be LGBTQ or because they happen to commit adultery…

HANNITY: So it was a mistake.

FOWLER: … is absolutely wrong…

HANNITY: Let me hear you say Obama made a mistake!

FOWLER: … absolutely wrong — I don’t — I think the president at the time made a calculation based on the evidence that he had.

HANNITY: Calculation?


HANNITY: … to get in bed with a modern-day Hitler?

FOWLER: And Sean, hindsight is always 20/20. Winston Churchill in World War II with Adolf Hitler said, This guy is not a criminal, and he, indeed, was a criminal. It’s — hindsight’s always 20/20.

HANNITY: Let’s not…


HANNITY: No, it was Churchill who warned of the dangers of Nazism before others!

FOWLER: When Churchill went the first time — the first time he went, he landed in Germany and met with Hitler…

HANNITY: All right…

FOWLER: … he said, this is — there’s no danger here.


FOWLER: … hindsight in foreign policy is always 20/20.

HANNITY: Let me go back to Pam. You see, they justify, they thread the needle! There’s always a reason not to stand up for evil in our time! Jay Leno was right. He compared this to Nazi Germany! Leno was right — late to the game, but he’s right.

GELLER: Yes, he’s right. And let’s be honest. This gentleman is being intellectually dishonest. Obama has sided with jihadists at every turn. He sided with Mubarak — I mean, he sided against — he was against Mubarak very early on. He invited the Muslim Brotherhood to his speech in Cairo in June 2009. Mubarak couldn’t attend. He sided with jihadists in Libya when the ousted Gadhafi. Don’t get me wrong, Gadhafi was a monster, but there’s worse. And you see that Islamic…


GELLER: Excuse me. Excuse me. Islamic…

FOWLER: One second, ma’am…

GELLER: I didn’t interrupt you, sir. Islamic supremacism is spreading in Africa! It’s spreading in Mali! I mean, these are now become terror states! He sided with the al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood in Syria! Time and time…

HANNITY: We got these 300 girls that are being held by Boko Haram, and now we learn in the last 36 hours that Hillary Clinton as secretary of state resisted efforts to define them as they are, as radical terrorists, and she was told everything these groups were about. They didn’t want to offend them!

GELLER: It was a reflection of Obama’s policy! I have written literally over 400 posts on the most egregious Boko Haram…


GELLER: Excuse me! For years, they would lock a school, they would lock a school and they’d set it on fire. When the children were trying to escape from the school, they would behead them and slit their throats. And what did Obama say? His State Department said they had legitimate concerns. The fact is, he sides with jihadists in Egypt…

HANNITY: Let me…


HANNITY: Let me have an exit question for Richard. Richard, now that Jay Leno and Ellen DeGeneres and Sir Richard Branson and Sharon Osborne have opened the door, will you and all your liberal friends join us on the conservative side and stand up, identify radical Islamists for who they are, their mistreatment of women, their mistreatment of gays and lesbians, who they kill, stoning to death women, allowing women to have the choice of dress that they want, they ought to be allowed to drive their own car, they ought to be able to pick their own husbands, they ought to be able to work and they ought to be able to go to school.

Are you now going to join with us and stand up for women’s rights, considering those on the left like to say Mitt Romney, with his binders of women’s resumes, was declaring a war on women? Will you now join us, finally?

FOWLER: I will — Sean, you know I always stand up for women’s rights and I always stand up for the rights of LGBTQ folks no matter what happens.

HANNITY: I never heard you speak out against Obama’s policy supporting those that…

FOWLER: But wait one second now. But I want to — I want to go back to one thing, if I could. And I reject the notion that this president stood with jihad and stood with al Qaeda. President Obama killed Osama bin Laden, not to mention the fact we’ve dismantled…

HANNITY: Actually, Navy SEALs killed him.

FOWLER: … al Qaeda. We’ve dismantled the Taliban. We have drones — we have drones up there every day destroying the Taliban. That’s President Obama’s foreign policy…


HANNITY: But the president has resisted identifying radical Islamists for who they are!

FOWLER: The president has a kill list to go after members of al Qaeda and members of the Taliban!

HANNITY: OK, so now…


HANNITY: Go ahead.

GELLER: Mr. Fowler, my organization, American Freedom (INAUDIBLE) Initiative, ran an ad campaign across the country highlighting Islamic apartheid, gender apartheid. It was pictures of gays being hung. It was pictures of women being…

FOWLER: This president…


GELLER: They would not marry their rapists! And I was widely condemned…

FOWLER: This president has stood up against all types of hatred.

GELLER: In San Francisco — the San Francisco city council issued the first resolution of its kind condemning my ads highlighting the Islamic oppression of gays, the Islamic oppression of women. How come you didn’t stand up for my ads? How come nobody on the left stood up for my ads highlighting…

FOWLER: This president…


FOWLER: … and spoke out against the persecution of LGBTQ folks in Uganda. This president — this president has been outstanding when it comes to human rights…

GELLER: Where were you?

FOWLER: … all across this country…

GELLER: Where were you when this ad campaign was running? Where were you and your peers? Where were you and your liberal hypocrites? 


HANNITY: All right, we got to leave it here because we’re just out of time, but thank you both for being with us.