Former San Jose State University Justices Studies Department head Dr. Mark Correia admitted to using an unauthorized bank account that contained school money to buy personal items. NBC Bay Area reports that Dr. Correia spent $6,930.20 with the bank account, including $43 on a parking citation, $239.40 on a LinkedIn account, and numerous “iPad related” expenses.

Despite this, SJSU’s investigation found “no fiscal impropriety,” on Dr. Correia’s part. Shawn Bibb, SJSU’s Vice President of Administration and Finance argued that because Dr. Correia paid the money he improperly used back to the school, “We didn’t lose any funds. And in the end no fiscal impropriety occurred.” Even though he is no longer at SJSU, Dr. Correia currently serves as the Dean of the Indiana University of Pennsylvania’s College of Health and Human Services. Some say that the financial problems at SJSU reach beyond what was covered in the investigation.

Michelle Pujol and Latu Tapaatoutai, two students at SJSU said that there are systemic problems in the faculty at San Jose St. Tapaatoutai said “If you are a faculty or high position employee on this campus you can get away with anything,” and “that’s the message that’s being perpetuated.” Kil stated that Dr. Correia engaged in more improper than what was investigated “There were favors that were given, course releases to professors for bogus service work, additional nepotistic work,” and “there’s just a long list of financial abuses that were never dealt with.” Kil’s allegations were a mentioned in a report sent to the California State Auditor. Also, the Student Coalition for SJSU Accountability’s petition demanding a more rigorous investigation of Correia’s actions has received over 300 signatures online.

Students are not the only ones speaking out. Former Administrative Support Coordinator Gilbert Villareal said that it appeared that the university was “trying to sweep things under the rug.” Associate Justice Studies professor Sang Kil stated “If San Jose State University thinks that what happened in our department is done with, and justice was served–I openly disagree with them.” I suppose that a Justice Studies professor would know.