Proven to be an award-winning writer 98.5 percent of the time? The kids have rebuffed the critics and named Rush Limbaugh Author of the Year. Limbaugh’s book “Rush Revere and The Brave Pilgrims: Time-Travel Adventures with Exceptional Americans” won him Author of the Year honors at the 2014 Children’s & Teen Choice Book Awards on Wednesday night. 

Limbaugh’s book, which uses the adventures of a time-travelling horse named Liberty and his rider, Rush Revere, to teach American history and heritage beat Jeff Kinney’s “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Hard Luck,” Rick Riordan’s “The House of Hades,” Veronica Roth’s “Allegiant,” and Rachel Renee Russell’s “Dork Diaries 6: Tales from a Not-So-Happy Heartbreaker.”   

Even though the book sits at #4 on The New York Times bestseller list, and won the children’s online vote that decides who wins the award, critics and liberals are not a big fan of Limbaugh’s work.  Liberals tried to get the book removed from consideration for the award.  Vicky Smith of Kirkus Reviews described the book as having “disdain for even the most rudimentary standards of storytelling,” in a review blasting the “staggering” “awfulness” of the book.  Author Daniel Friedman gave the book one star out of five on Goodreads in a review that quite literally judges a book by its cover. Despite the criticism, Limbaugh’s book seems to be a hit with the kids, and the public at large, who appear to be buying and liking the book despite the opinions of angry liberals and elitist book critics. 

In his acceptance speech, Limbaugh said that he wrote the book because he is “passionate” about American history, and wants to share his love of the country and with young people “so that they can grow and learn to love and appreciate the country in which they are growing up.”

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