Washington Examiner senior watchdog reporter Luke Rosiak elaborated on his piece about the gross misuse of money by the Combined Federal Campaign, the federal government’s workplace charity drive, on Tuesday’s broadcast of Dennis Miller’s radio show. Rosiak said that the employees of the CFC saw themselves as “volunteers” who “won’t do anything” without “motivation” aside from their full-time federal pay to do their jobs. To motivate themselves, Rosiak said some employees rented a full-time masseuse for the office. Others go to “multiple conferences a year” in luxurious places like Orlando and New Orleans.

Such abuses are no surprise, given that Rosiak stated that the employees spend most of their time dealing with supervisors who “can’t fire them,” and “don’t have to show up to work.” Even worse, the employees who “have turned it into a moneymaker for themselves” are unnecessary because they routinely takes months off according to Rosiak.