Conservative author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza said that the Obama administration “plays favorites” and has been “targeting” conservatives on today’s episode of The Mike Gallagher Show. D’Souza juxtaposed his own case, and the targeting of conservative groups and individuals by the Obama administration with cases of Democratic corruption such as “Democratic lawmakers [taking] bribes in Pennsylvania,” and “Harry Reid using money from his campaign to fund his daughter’s wedding.” D’Souza said “if it was just one case, you could say ‘I don’t know,’ but you’re seeing this all over the country”

D’Souza added that he was “psychologically” ready to go to prison, adding that it would only be time in a “white collar prison” if he was sentenced to jail time, and he would “make the best of it.” He concluded by saying that the attempt to silence him was “not going to work,” and that his works would “come out full speed ahead.”

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