On Tuesday’s broadcast of “CNN Tonight,” host Don Lemon challenged former Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon and conservative commentator Ben Carson on the suggestion that ObamaCare is the worst thing that has happened to the United States since slavery.

Partial transcript as follows:

CARSON: Did I just tell you — did I just tell that you it is not the worst thing since — that it is not comparable it slavery? Slavery is a horrible, horrible thing. I can tell you a lot of things about it? But the reason that this is the next worst thing is because it is taking the most important thing that you have and subjecting it to control by the government. That is the first step to government control of everything. Again, this is easily verifiable by those who are historical and indulge in reading history.

LEMON: Here is where people would take issue because they would say Jim Crowe is pretty bad, that World War II is pretty bad, that Vietnam was pretty bad, that D-Day pretty was bad, that Iraq was pretty bad, that Japanese internment camps were pretty bad — all these things were terrible and they happened since slavery and you say ObamaCare is worse than all of those things?

CARSON: I do say that, yes. All of those things are bad. But those do not fundamentally change the United States.


CARSON: This is the beginning after fundamental change of moving away from a government that is for, of and by the people to a government that is for, of and by the government. It flies in the face of what America is all about

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