Radio host and Fox News contributor Laura Ingraham, who was an early supporter of Tea Party upstart Dave Brat, the victor in Virginia’s 7th congressional district Republican Primary on Tuesday, reacted to the outcome of that race.

Ingraham said that the recent coverage of the surge of illegal immigrants over the southern border played a “significant” role in Brat’s primary upset of House Majority Leader Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA).

Ingraham said “this narrative playing out in southwest Texas with thousands upon thousands of people, adults and unaccompanied minors are streaming across the border” and the fact that “the so-called smart establishment people are either not commenting on it, or they are just not equipped to deal with it or don’t want to deal with it,” helped push Brat to victory. Ingraham also pointed out that Brat’s victory was not a win for national Tea Party groups. She stated “the National Tea Party Network, Tea Party Patriots, Freedomworks, I don’t believe any of these organizations did anything for Dave Brat.”

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