Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne argued that the Obama administration is violating the law and acting like the coyotes who smuggle individuals over the southern border by shipping unaccompanied illegal immigrant minors to Arizona and other states in the southwest on Monday’s “Fox & Friends.”

Horne stated the federal government is doing “the job that the coyotes have, which is taking people from the border and taking them to the inland part of the country.” Horne blamed federal policy for the flood of unaccompanied minors, saying “the federal government says if they’re minors, they can stay here, and of course the word has gotten around and we’re looking at something like 90,000 minors coming across because the federal government will let them stay.”

Horne added that the federal government’s actions are illegal because “they’re supposed to protect and guard our border and that includes detaining people, sending them back, but it doesn’t include transporting them instead of to their country of origin to the state of Arizona, and then there’s another law, if this was done by a private party, it would be a criminal offense,” and that he has sent a cease and desist letter.

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