On Wednesday’s “The O’Reilly Factor” on the Fox News Channel, comedian and talk show host Dennis Miller offered his thoughts on the deterioration of Iraq and the criticisms hurled from both the left and the right trying place blame on how it wound up as it has.

Miller said it was a “mistake” to call the 2003 Iraq invasion a mistake because ultimately Saddam Hussein would have caused more trouble for the United States. But all of that is building up to an ultimate showdown according to Miller between western civilization and the elements of radical Islam, which are being blamed for the turmoil in the Middle East.

“Listen, I think this stuff is all a pebble that rolls down the hill,” Miller said. “I do I know this — I think there is going to be a big war in this world between western civilization and radical Islam. Do I have to be Nostradamus? No. but do I think those guys are going to chill out? No. I think they are animals. I think one tumbling block, the next domino, the next domino. You look at Benghazi, and all I know is Benghazi yielded the fact we now have 275 troops over there guarding the embassy in Baghdad because we learned a lesson there. I don’t know what is coming down the road. I do know the one constant in the equation is radical Islam is nuts. And it would be General Grant’s admonition to Sherman: Meet them wherever you can and kill them as quickly as possible to get this over with.”

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